Military Arena Quest (lvl 900 +)
incidence of monsters in the arena
frider, blader, bevior, arad, brazer, heraz, bredberg, recaro, gladiatus, crezor.
Mighty Arena Quest (lvl 1000 +)
incidence of monsters in the arena
avager, kraber, dekar, herez, slaimer, artera, drazger, pherazon, waterion, firazore.
Elitary Arena Quest (lvl 1200 +)
incidence of monsters in the arena
warez, drakero, nagaro, laprizer, sweran, marezor, graber, falarez, deathber, the oberon.
to perform the arena should go to the NPC in Thais Halvar (teleport on the left side of the temple).
Added System Auction! for more information on this system can be found in the tab Auctions.
in the bookmark Raids added tables with Hard Boss Raids
added new tasks with monsters
Bog Raider, Brainiak, Demolandes, Poi Master, Norad, Arbelos.
Taski can perform NPC Grizzly Adams.
Added Fire Storm Event.
The prize of the event is one of Sms Shop items.
More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:
Added Metin Stone Event.
The task of the players will destroy the stone and zsummonowanych his monsters.
More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:
Added GoodTime Event.
More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:
Furthermore, the page there is a new tab: events, will be on the
appeared descriptions of events, which are located on the server.