Fire Storm #1 (with fields)

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Fire Storm Event to event odbywający się codziennie o godzinie 08:00 | 13:00 | 19:00 Pojawia sie wtedy nastepujaca wiadomosc:
Firestorm Event wystartuje za 3 minuty. (wejscie do eventu znajduje sie w depo za teleportem z napisem Eventy)" Udajemy sie wiec do pomieszczenia z eventami (kamien przy wejsciu do Fire Storm Eventu powinien zniknac) i wchodzimy do teleportu.

Fire Storm Event This event takes place every day at 08:00 | 13:00 | 19:00 It appears then the following message:
Firestorm Event will start for 3 minutes. (Entrance to the event is located in the depot for the teleporter labeled Events)" So we go to the room with eventami (stone at the entrance to the Fire Storm Event should disappear) and enter the teleporter.

Przenosi nas na arene Fire Storm, po wejsciu okreslonej ilosci graczy na arenie w losowym miejscu zaczynaja spadac z nieba ognie ktorych trzeba unikac kto zostanie trafiony ogniem odpada z eventu.

Takes us on arene Fire Storm, after entering a fixed amount of players in the arena at random they begin to fall from the sky to avoid the fires who will be hit by the fire is out of the event.

gracz, ktory przetrwa najdluzej automatycznie otrzymuje losowy przedmiot:

a player who survives the longest will automatically receive random item:
Donator Shield You see a donator shield (Def:50, shielding +10, protection all +3%, speed +30, faster regeneration). It weighs 5.00 oz. regenerates mana and hp 40 in 1 sec.
Crystal Wand You see a crystal wand. It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 70 or higher. It weighs 28.00 oz. This wand comes with the quest for Sordiner.
Golden Gloves You see a golden gloves (Atk:55, Def:40). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 200 or higher. It weighs 43.00 oz. fist fighting the power.
Golden Magic Amulet You see a golden magic amulet (Arm:10, shielding +10, magic level +6, protection death +2%, speed +10, faster regeneration). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. It weighs 5.55 oz. regenerates mana 2 in 2 sec.
Red Penknife You see squeezing gear of girlpower. It weighs 3.00 oz. This nifty gadget can be used for many vital and less vital purposes. If its not jammed, that is.

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