Metin Stone Event

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Metin Stone Event

Na naszym serverze zostal wprowadzony system kamieni Metin. Co jakis czas pod depo pojawia sie losowy kamien Metin. Gracz zostanie o tym poinformowany poprzez pojawienie sie komunikatu:

"[Nazwa Kamienia] has been spawned! kazdy kto bedzie walczyc z kamieniem moze otrzymac losowo od 1 do 2 lvli! (everyone who will fight with the stone may receive randomly from 1 to 2 lvl!)"

Zadaniem gracza jest zniszczenie kamienia, jednak nie jest to takie latwe. Kamienie w zaleznosci od ilosci HP summonuja potwory, ktore utrudniaja ci to zadanie. Atakujacy powinni pamietac, ze jedynym sposobem zniszczenia kamienia jest stale pozbywanie sie jego summonow.

On our server was introduced system Metin stones. From time to time the depot appears random stone Metin. The player will be informed by the appearance of the message:

"[Nazwa Kamienia] has been spawned! kazdy kto bedzie walczyc z kamieniem moze otrzymac losowo od 1 do 2 lvli! (everyone who will fight with the stone may receive randomly from 1 to 2 lvl!)"

The players task is to destroy the stone, but it is not so easy. Stones depending on the amount HP Summon monsters, which hinder you this task. The attacker should remember that the only way to destroy the stone is constantly getting rid of August the summons.

A place where the stone may appear:


Wind Stone
4 000 000
Monsters: rotworm, wyvern, hero, black knight, dragon, giant spider, bonebeast, nightmare, behemoth, undead gladiator, hellspawn, wyrm, destroyer, betrayed wraith, blightwalker, dark torturer, spectre, lost soul, grim reaper, ghastly dragon.
Fire Stone
4 000 000
Monsters: fire elemental, fire devil, massive fire elemental, dragon, dragon lord, diabolic imp, hellfire fighter, infernalist, demon, hellhound.
Icy Stone
4 000 000
Monsters: ice golem, crystal spider, ice witch, mammoth, frost dragon, warlock, undead dragon.
Earth Stone
4 000 000
Monsters: slime, beholder, earth elemental, elder beholder, massive earth elemental, bog raider, earth elemental, medusa, wyvern, defiler, serpent spawn, plaguesmith, juggernaut.
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. Suaba Silna WolaLevel: (2551)
2. Next The TimeLevel: (1645)
3. PolicjaLevel: (1605)
4. BrowarLevel: (1569)
5. BallyLevel: (1480)
LMS Event
Starts in 0h 0m!
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