Nieaktywne gildie z mniejsza liczba czlonkow niz 1 beda automatycznie usuwane.

Inactive guilds, or guilds with less than 1 members will be automaticaly deleted.

Guild statistics are self-updated once per 1 days. Next update at 07 February 2025

Active Guilds on Simson OTS
Lp. Logo Guild Name Members Total Level Average Level
1. Amore Dolce Vita 2811299403
2. Mavi Cicekler 95546616
3. PunktyForAll 124167347
4. Blaszki 143992285
5. War Dogs 1603603
6. Galgany 1438438
7. Blach 1158158
8. Mcz 9728
9. VnzlaCandela 4328
10. Patusy 4328
11. La Onda 4328
12. Do interior 3248
13. Najebani Tematem 3248
14. WCR 3248
15. POINTS 3248
16. katowice 3248
17. Top One 3248
18. WarJaTy 3248
19. Arson Dynastia 3248
20. HOOLIGANS 2168
21. Lows Academy 2168
22. Pozdrowienia do wiezienia 188
23. SDSD 188
24. tarcza 188
25. Msmsms 188
26. raz 188
27. punkty 188
28. pkt 188
29. Bajando 188
30. Antyblachy 188
31. Invisible 188

Before you can create guild you must login.
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. TyrLevel: (1376)
2. Osiedlowy PalladynekLevel: (1321)
3. TytusLevel: (1080)
4. Osiedlowy KnighcikLevel: (1011)
5. PlexLevel: (987)
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