Summoner with addons | | Warrior with addons | | Barbarian with addons | | Druid with addons | | Wizard with addons | | Oriental with addons | |
Pirate with addons | |
Assassin with addons | |
Beggar with addons | |
Shaman with addons | |
Norseman with addons | |
Nightmare with addons | |
Jester with addons | |
Brotherhood with addons | |
Demonhunter with addons | |
Yalaharian with addons | |
Warmaster with addons | |
Wedding with addons | |
Wayfarer with addons | |
Tasks | Progress | Count | 1.2% | 1/81 tasks |
28.12.2024, 15:59:58 | Killed at level 633 by Satoshi Haruto and by Armenzo. | 28.12.2024, 13:47:30 | Killed at level 633 by Kozmo and by a hellspawn. | 28.12.2024, 9:01:01 | Died at level 633 by a hellspawn. | 27.12.2024, 18:15:13 | Died at level 634 by a hellspawn and by Feel. | 26.12.2024, 12:46:25 | Died at level 631 by a hellspawn. | 24.12.2024, 4:16:31 | Killed at level 631 by Dwa Ed, by Trzeci Ed, by Kamilek Peknity Kondon and by a diabolic imp. | 23.12.2024, 18:32:27 | Died at level 547 by a medusa. | 23.12.2024, 18:25:19 | Died at level 547 by a medusa. | 23.12.2024, 18:15:31 | Died at level 546 by a medusa. | 23.12.2024, 18:15:05 | Died at level 547 by a medusa. |
Last Frags |
28 Dec 2024, 15:59 |
He fragged Me Only at level 755. (Unjustified) |
28 Dec 2024, 15:37 |
He fragged Me Only at level 752. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 15:34 |
He fragged Armenzo at level 829. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 15:34 |
He fragged Malyptaszek at level 857. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 13:57 |
He fragged Abcdef at level 152. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 13:56 |
He fragged Kozmo at level 603. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 13:56 |
He fragged Abcdef at level 152. (Justified) |
28 Dec 2024, 12:43 |
He fragged Lipton at level 416. (Justified) |
27 Dec 2024, 17:51 |
He fragged Satoshi Haruto at level 893. (Unjustified) |
27 Dec 2024, 17:33 |
He fragged Satoshi Haruto at level 894. (Unjustified) |