On this occasion was established 8 new quests for Maini
Nerol,Natural Plant,Demolandes Continuation,Fist Claw,Labirynt V,Imperial,The Old Muses,Champion Underworld Quest.
Quests are located in City (depo - 1)
New Monsters
Nerol, Arbelos, Triper, Mycid
main added invasions poi bosses attackers randomly SEAL (POI V,POI VI)
10 new quests Rookgard + spell exevo holy
Elvish Bow,Golem Ring,Brown Jacket,Medusa,Speed Amulet,Nighalak,labirynt II,Labirynt III,Labirynt IV,Mystical Underworld Quest.
Quests are located in (Hardcore Land)
rook added invasions poi bosses attackers random skills on the (POI VI)
(For the next three days to attack different bosses + double exp simson ots!).